Why People Hate Apple?
Why People Hate Apple ? Each company has its opponents; however, Apple very makes individuals work. Some individuals hate Apple lots over they hate the Nazis or the Smurfs. They leave angry comments on Apple blogs.
Based on my elaborated observations of the species, Apple’s enemies’ area unit divided into 5 classes. If you hate apples, what class does one belong to?
You think that purchasing Apple compromises your individuality
You see yourself as a daring step towards your individuality and freedom through your refusal to shop for Apple. They use words like “brainwashing” and “lemmings” to explain Apple fans.
These enemies typically have terribly unhealthy descriptive linguistics and writing system. Several of them hardly appear to scan. They conjointly typically have issues with various genders and accuse Why People Hate Apple of fidgeting with Steve Jobs, United Nations agency till recently was an outlaw in many countries.
Is that a good reason to hate Apple?
Is not stupid. Your choice of consumer products says nothing about your individuality. The real individual does not care what the pack does; he does what is good for him.
Why People Hate Apple it means to forge a unique path, but other times, what the masses do is fine. If your sense of individuality is related to the consumer products you buy, then you have no individuality: you are one of Landry’s monkeys, joking that it is a unique and special snowflake.
In addition
Mac OS has only 5% of the market; Windows still works in more than 90% of workstations. The iPhone is the third most popular phone in the US UU and it’s behind Android and BlackBerry. If Apple tries to absorb everyone in their universal group spirit, they are doing a bad job.
They hate the Apple culture. Your favorite word is “arrogance.” You watch Apple’s secret culture, its elegant stores, its educated advertising campaigns, and think that Apple feels superior.
There is some truth in that
Apple thinks it’s better. But they are not alone. Everyone in the computer industry thinks they are better than everyone else. The same applies to Christians, Jews, and atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Americans, Europeans, Objectivists and New Yorkers. It is part of human existence to think that your tribe is better than any tribe.
Is that a good reason to hate Apple? Is not stupid. What do you think about what Apple thinks of you? Are you panting when the Starbucks barista looks at you weird?
The more you talk about Apple’s “arrogant” culture, the more you will discover yourself, your own insecurities and your father’s problems. Go find a therapy, give yourself a hug and shut up with Apple.
They had bad experiences with Apple products. Each company occasionally produces lemons, and if you’re stuck with one of them, you can hate the company that sold it to them.
Is that a good reason to hate Apple?
Damn, yes. If a company sells me a bad product or gives me a bad service, they have died for me. I still have resentment in a Compaq laptop that I bought in 2002. I have a voodoo doll Carly Fiorina that I torture every time I get hurt. Carly, do you know that you have back pain? It’s me
On the other hand, relatively few people have had bad experiences with Apple. Apple has excellent quality control and its customer satisfaction rankings are consistently among the highest for the retail experience, the App Store, the iPad, its technical support and the iPhone.
But what about the antenna problems of the iPhone 4? This certainly led to a decrease in Apple’s customer satisfaction ratings?
Do you? I have not seen a survey to support this information. It seems that the design of the antenna of the iPhone 4 worsens the situation if it is in an area where the service was already marginal.
If the service you are in is good, you should not notice a problem. The problem with the iPhone 4 antenna apparently only affects a few people; its effect was reinforced by an echo camera of journalists and bloggers.
But if you are one of the people who have problems with the iPhone or any other Apple or Apple device, then I do not blame you for hating Apple.
Apple does not suit you
There are many people for whom Apple products are simply not correct. Apple is rarely the right choice for large and medium-sized businesses. The company does not offer the kind of close and practical relationships that these clients need.
The iPhone is not for everyone. In many parts of the United States, including New York, San Francisco, and Boston, telephone service is poor. So, if voice calls are still very important to you, it is better than you have an alternative.
Similarly, if you want to share the connection, real multitasking, an open operating system or Flash support, then an Android is a better option.
Is that a good reason to hate Apple? Is not stupid. I do not like McDonald’s, but I do not spend a lot of energy to report it. I will not go there.
They hate Apple’s closed architecture. By refusing to buy Apple, you see yourself as a blow to freedom. You believe that Apple’s control of the App Store is an affront to your right to read what you want to read, see what you want to see and run any software you choose without being informed by Daddy Steve Jobs.
Is that a good reason to hate Apple? Well, half and a half.
The restrictions of the application store protect the consumer. The iPhone is a device for people who do not want to waste a lot of time adjusting, managing and learning their phones, and the limitations of the app store mean that consumers spend much less time worrying about pornography.
You want to see, although it is also popular among many others), malware and unwanted applications.
The limitations of the App Store sometimes go too far, such as when Apple blocks a Pulitzer Prize winner and a candidate for a Republican convention. It was wrong and although Apple reversed those cases, we do not know how many other cases there were where the developer of the application simply fell silent.
Even if Apple blocks an application from the app store, it is not prevented from viewing the content. Apple not only blocks the content in the iPhone web browser in the App Store. Therefore, the pornographic and political language blocked from the App Store is still available in the browser.
In general, my problem with the restrictions of the app store is not that they exist, but that they have to be better. I want a native Google Voice application: Google has developed an application of that type, but Apple has rejected it.
I want an application that allows me to automatically update all my podcasts without having to synchronize with iTunes. Apple blocked the 2008 podcasting application.
While Apple eliminates these useful applications, allows more than a hundred applications for pets, including iFart Mobile, Atomic Fart, Piano Fart, 1,000,000 Fart Generator and something called “Bluetooth Fart” (because probably the USB and Firewire shoot quite well). You keep smart, Apple.
Again, Apple does not block your choice. Apple is not the only option in the markets it serves; you can still buy an Android phone, a Windows desktop and download your music on online. If Apple tries to control the thoughts of the United States, they are doing a bad job; an alternative to Apple is in the next march of an electronics store.
The rage against Apple’s censorship is just a profitable way to make you feel.
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